Vinnustofa um hringrásahagkerfi í landslagsarkitektúr

Opin vinnustofa um Hringrásarhagkerfi í Landslagsarkitektúr

Þann 5. september næstkomandi mun hinn danski Jakob Sandell frá Schønherr halda fyrirlestur og leiða vinnustofu um Hringrásarhagkerfi í Landslagsarkitektúr á Hvanneyri. Viðburðurinn er opinn öllum og ókeypis.


Þessi eins dags vinnustofa kynnir þátttakendum fyrir notkun hringrásahagkerfis í landslagsarkitektúr. Áhersla er á recourse management og þeir þættir sem gætu hindrað eða elft hringrásahugsun. Á vinnustofunni er fléttað saman fyrirlestrum og vinnustofum þar sem þátttakendur kynnast mismunandi nálgun á hringrásakerfi innan landslangsarkitektúrs. Vinnustofan fer fram á Hvanneyri í aðalbyggingu Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands. Þátttakendur ljúka vinnustofunni með kynningu á tilgátuverefni um hringrásakerfi á Hvanneyri - sjálfbært háskólasamfélag.


8.30 - Skráning
8.45 - Kynning á vinnustofunni og mikilvægi hringrásarhagkerfis í hönnunarferlinu
importance of Circular Economy in Design Structure and objectives Welcome and Technical/logistic issues related to location, meals, etc
9.00 - Jakob Sandell Sorensen Head Of Sustainability, Schonherr (DK), Circular principles in landscape architecture. Guidelines to managing recourses, material flows and the environmental impacts of landscape planning and design – based on current trends in Danish landscape architecture
10.30 - Kaffihlé
11.00 - Group devision – Workshop session
12.00 - Hádegishlé
13.00 - Vinnustofa Hringrásarhagkerfi - „Sjálfbært háskólasamfélag á Hvanneyri“
15.00 - Umræður
16.30 - Lok vinnustofu



Viðburðurinn er samvinnuverkefni FÍLA, Landbúnaðarháskólans og Grænnar Byggðar. Viðburðurinn ásamt hádegismat er ókeypis en það þarf að skrá sig fyrir 31. ágúst á This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. eða í síma 433 5000 .

Open workshop with Jakob Sandell from Schønherr about the implementation of Circular Economy in Landscape Architecture. The workshop is open for all and free of charge. See registration below.


The one day- intensive course provides participants with an overview of Circular Economy implementation in Landscape Architecture. The main topics of the course address recourse management and the factors that may impede or promote Circularity. The course is a combination of lectures and workshop, and participants will get the chance to see different circular systems within Landscape Architecture field. The course will be held in Hvanneyri agricultural University Campus. The participants are expected to prepare a final presentation about a hypothetical „ Circular Economy project“ in Hvanneyri „Self-Sustained Agricultural University Campus.



8.30 - Registration
8.45 - Presentation of the Training School and importance of Circular Economy in Design Structure and objectives Welcome and Technical/logistic issues related to location, meals, etc
9.00 - Jakob Sandell Sorensen Head Of Sustainability, Schonherr (DK), Circular principles in landscape architecture. Guidelines to managing recourses, material flows and the environmental impacts of landscape planning and design – based on current trends in Danish landscape architecture
10.30 - Coffee break
11.00 - Group devision – Workshop session
12.00 - Lunch
13.00 - Workshop Circular Economy project“ in Hvanneyri „Self-Sustained Agricultural University Campus.
15.00 - Teamwork-discussion
16.30 - End


The workshop is a collaboration between FÍLA, Agricultural University of Iceland and Grænni Byggðir. The event is open for all and free of charge with lunch included. Please register before August 31st with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone +00 354 433 5000.


Þekking á sviði sjálfbærrar nýtingar auðlinda, umhverfis, skipulags og matvælaframleiðslu.


Hvanneyri - 311 Borgarbyggð
Sími 433-5000
Kt. 411204-3590
Rafrænir reikningar



