Laus staða lektors í búfjárrækt

Laus störf - lektor í búfjárrækt

Laust er til umsóknar starf lektors í búfjárrækt við Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands (LbhÍ). -- English below --

Hlutverk LbhÍ er að skapa og miðla þekkingu á sviði sjálfbærrar nýtingar auðlinda, umhverfis, skipulags og matvælaframleiðslu  á norðurslóðum. Viðkomandi starfsmaður yrði hluti af teymi LbhÍ sem sinnir kennslu, rannsóknum og nýsköpun á sviði búfjárræktar og umhverfisrannsókna.


  • Ábyrgð á verkefnum og einstaka verkþáttum á sviði búfjárræktar- og umhverfisrannsókna
  • Kennsla á grunn- og framhaldsstigi og leiðbeining nemenda í rannsóknaverkefnum
  • Virk þátttaka í mótun nýrra rannsókna og samstarfs- verkefna og öflun styrkja til þeirra
  • Birting ritrýndra vísindagreina

Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur

  • Doktorspróf í búfjárrækt, dýralækningum eða skyldum greinum
  • Þekking á ræktun búfjár á norðlægum slóðum
  • Reynsla og áhugi á kennslu og miðlun þekkingar
  • Reynsla af rannsóknum og birtingum rannsóknaniðurstaðna
  • Reynsla af alþjóðlegu samstarfi og skýr framtíðarsýn

Nánari upplýsingar veita

Guðmunda Smáradóttir, mannauðs- og gæðastjóri, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  sími 433-5000 og Þóroddur Sveinsson forseti deildar ræktunar og fæðu, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., sími 843-5331.

Sótt er um starfið á ráðningarsíðu ríkisins hérUmsóknarfrestur er til 16. mars 2020 

Laun eru samkvæmt gildandi kjarasamningi sem fjármála- og efnahagsráðherra og Félag íslenskra náttúrufræðinga hafa gert. Rektor er heimilt að veita framgang í starf dósents eða prófessors strax við nýráðningu ef umsækjandi uppfyllir viðkomandi hæfnisviðmið.


The Agricultural University of Iceland (AUI) seeks applicants to fill a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor in Animal Sciences

The role of the AUI is to create and disseminate knowledge in the field of sustainable use of resources, environment, community planning and food production in the Arctic region.

The Assistant Professor is expected to:

  • Establish internationally recognized research in his/her field of expertise, secure research funding and participate in domestic and international research projects
  • Teach established undergraduate and graduate courses, supervise graduate students and, if relevant, develop his/her own undergraduate and graduate courses
  • Participate in the faculty‘s administrative work as relevant


  • PhD in Animal Husbandry, Animal Sciences, Animal Nutrtion, Veterinary Sciences or related fields
  • Solid research experience, track record of publishing own research in acknowledged forum and a clear vision of future research
  • Experience with teaching and/or knowledge transfer and the will and ability to develop new approaches in this regard
  • Experience in securing research funds, individually or in collaboration with others
  • Excellent collaboration and communication skills

Evaluation of the application and academic merits will be in accordance with the Act on Public Universities No. 85/2008 and regulations on recruitment and promotion of academic staff at the Agricultural University of Iceland from September 20th, 2012. The Rector is permitted to grant a promotion to the position of Associate or Full Professor immediately following a new recruitment, should the appointee fulfil required qualifications. Salary is in accordance with the current collective wage and salary agreement between the relevant union, and the Minister of Finance. Rights and obligations otherwise follow the Act 70/1996 on the Rights and Obligations of Civil Servants.

The Agricultural University has three main sites of operation: Hvanneyri, Reykjavik and Reykir. Teaching obligations for the current position will be carried out at Hvanneyri.

For further information

Contact Gudmunda Smaradottir, Human Resources and Quality Manager, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,Tel. +354 433-5000 or Þóroddur Sveinsson Head of Faculty, Cultivation & Food, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tel +354 843-5331.

The deadline for applications is March 16th 2020. Applications should be sent to AUI, through the website here. The application shall include certificates attesting to education and work experience, a list of publications, a summary of previous working experience (scholarly and other) and a letter of introduction, stating research interests and future ideas regarding teaching and knowledge transfer in the field of environmental sciences. The Agricultural University of Iceland reserves the right to reject all applications. All applications will be answered once a decision has been made.


Þekking á sviði sjálfbærrar nýtingar auðlinda, umhverfis, skipulags og matvælaframleiðslu.


Hvanneyri - 311 Borgarbyggð
Sími 433-5000
Kt. 411204-3590
Rafrænir reikningar



