International Office

International Collaboration


AUI welcomes exchange studies because that gives students the opportunity to expand their horizons, learn new languages, get to know new culture and schoolsystems and then one of the most important things is to make new friends for life in different countries. 

If you are thinking about going abroad to study for one or two semesters there are several options available. If you are thinking about going within Europe then please look at the list of AUI’spartners universities.  AUI has bilateral agreements with several universities within the ERASMUS program and also within the Nordplus program. 

To be qualified to apply for becoming exchange student you must have completed 60 ECTS of study before the exchange starts.  Deadlines for applications differ a bit between universities but the deadline to apply for Erasmus og Nordplus grant is March 1st every year. 

Students will need to fill out application for grant, learning agreement that is signed by student, program leader and international coordinator and then finally application to host university. 

Course catalog 

Student Mobility - Student Exchange 
To become an exchange student at AUI gives you opportunity to visit unique country and make friends for life.  AUI is located in the rural area of Borgarfjordur surrounded with wetlands, rich animal live and humorous people.  Having the opportunity to study at a small university as AUI gives you the change to become member of a big family where everyone knows everyone in a small community out in the countryside. 

AUI has 
exchange agreements with number of universities through Erasmus, Nordplus and other bilateral agreement.  Before you start planning your exchange make sure that your University has agreement with AUI. 

International Relations

Co-Ordinator Eva Hlín Afreðsdóttir

Open office hours, Hvanneyri Campus:
Mondays: 9 am - 3 pm
Wednesdays: 1 pm - 4:30 pm



NOVA er heiti á samstarfsnetverki sjö landbúnaðar-, skógfræði- og dýralæknaháskóla á Norðurlöndunum, NOVA opnar dyrnar að námi á Norðurlöndunum og í baltnesku ríkjunum. Nemendur geta sótt um Nordplus eða Erasmus styrki til skiptináms í gegnum NOVA.
Hvað getur NOVA boðið þér?

MEIRA: Eitt aðalhlutverk NOVA er að efna til stuttra en krefjandi meistara- og doktorsnámskeiða, sem haldin eru í einhverjum af NOVA skólunum.
Á vegum NOVA eiga allir BS og MS-nemar við LbhI þess kost að fara í skiptinám í lengri eða skemmri tíma við annan NOVA skóla; uppfylli þeir lágmarkskröfur.
Í gegnum NOVA geta nemendur með BS-gráðu gengið beint inn í meistaranám í mörgum greinum við þessa háskóla og fengið einingar metnar til fulls. Meira um NOVA. Sjá hér.



LBHÍ er með samstarfssamninga við ýmsa skóla í Evrópu í gegnum ERASMUS-áætlunina. ERASMUS+ byggir m.a. upp á einstaklingsstyrkjum til nemendaskipta og geta nemendur sótt um dvöl í 3-12 mánuði án þess að það tefji þá í námi þar sem skilyrði er að námið erlendis verði að fullu metið þegar heim er komið.


Knowledge in the field of sustainable use of resources, environment, planning and food production.


Hvanneyri - 311 Borgarbyggð
Phone 433-5000
Kt. 411204-3590
Electronic invoices



Social media
