Equality & Diversity
Equal Rights

The Agricultural University of Iceland's objective with its equal rights policy is to equalize the inequality that might possibly exist, and the difference in advantage among the employees. This is to ensure equal rights so that all will stand at equal vantage with respect to choice of employment, job opportunities, job qualification, professional career and terms of employment.
Equal Rights Policy
Equal Pay Policy
Procedure on the response to gender-related, sexual harassment and to bullying and other types of violence

It is the school's policy to convey a clear message that bullying, sexual or gender-based harassment as well as any other unexplained harassment will not be tolerated. If staff or students experience or become aware of bullying or harassment of any kind, it must be reported.
Reporting of incidents
It is important to report incidents of bullying and harassment of any kind. The general rule is that cases should be referred to the human resources manager or study counselor for handling. The person concerned finds the appropriate channel for each case and is available for advice and support for all staff and students in matters concerning bullying and harassment. A contingency plan (icelandic only) can be accessed here.
Depending on the situation, the following channels may be used to report an incident:
Reporting of incidents
It is important to report incidents of bullying and harassment of any kind. The general rule is that cases should be referred to the human resources manager or study counselor for handling. The person concerned finds the appropriate channel for each case and is available for advice and support for all staff and students in matters concerning bullying and harassment. A contingency plan (icelandic only) can be accessed here.
Depending on the situation, the following channels may be used to report an incident:
- Human Resources Manager Guðmunda Smáradóttir
- Career and study councelor Þórey Þórarinsdóttir
- Equality representative Eyjólfur Kristinn Örnólfsson
- Rector Ragnheiður I. Þórarinsdóttir
Healthy work Environment

Sexual Violence
Stígamót is a center for survivors of sexual violence that provides free and confidential counseling.
Psychosocial Work Environment
Safe and healthy working environment