Environmental & Forest Sciences
Natural and Environmental Sciences

B.Sc. degree - 180 ECTS Credits
Natural processes and ecosystems
The Environmental Sciences is a 3 year program of study which aims to give students the basic understanding of nature, natural processes and ecosystems on a broad, multi-disciplinary basis in biological, geological, and environmental sciences.
Emphasis is made on understanding ecosystems, functions and components. The graduates should have an intergraded understanding of the fundamentals of living systems and their interactions with the physical environment, and sustainable use of natural resources.
Programme Director Fanney Ósk Gísladóttir

Admission requirements

Icelandic matriculation examination (studentsprof: school leaving examination after four years of secondary school) or another secondary examination which the University board regards as equivalent.
Mode of Study

Programme requirements in Environmental Sciences

The study line gives a multi-disciplinary foundation of knowledge, understanding and skills required for further study and research within a broad field of natural sciences. 180 ECTS credits have to be completed for the qualification or 60 ECTS credits per year. Obligatory courses are 140 ECTS credits, including basic natural science courses (90 ECTS), management courses (30 ECTS) and planning courses (20 ECTS). Optional courses, equivalent to 40 ECTS come already in the 2nd fall to give the students an opportunity take both basic and advanced courses from other programs within AUI during their studies.
Students can add either forestry, land reclamation, environmental planning or agricultural production to their natural resource management studies and graduate with special knowledge on one the above listed subjects. Students can also transfer ECTS from other universities to their studies. Students complete their studies with a research project of 10 ECTS credits. The students present the results of their research project in a written thesis.
Our Student Ambassadors

nemi í náttúru- og umhverfisfræðum
Ég valdi námið í náttúru og umhverfisfræði vegna þess að ég hef brennandi áhuga á náttúruvernd, sjálfbærri nátturunytingu og umhverfismálum.

nemi í náttúru- og umhverfisfræðum
Ég fór í náttúru- og umhverfisfræði vegna þess að námið er fjölbreytt og þverfaglegt. Mín helstu áhugamál tengjast útivist og heillaði námið mig þar sem það spannar allt milli himins og jarðar (bókstaflega) og opnar einnig fyrir marga möguleika. Ég hugsa að gráðan sé mjög mikilvæg þegar horft er til framtíðar enda þurfa allir að taka sér tak hvað varðar náttúru og umhverfi þar sem án náttúru erum við ekkert. Þriðja og seinasta árið mitt í LBHÍ sat ég í Grunnnámsnefnd sem fulltrúi nemenda þar sem mitt helsta hlutverk var að miðla ábendingum og hrósum milli nemenda og stjórnenda. Vel var tekið í ábendingar og margt bætt þó enn megi bæta margt líkt og í öðru námi, jákvætt þótti mér þó að hlustað var á ábendingar nemenda.
Ég stefni á mastersnám í sjálfbærri þróun, stjórnun og stefnumótun við Modulháskóla í Vínarborg næstkomandi haust.