Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Land use & cultivation

The role of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences is to share, maintain and protect as well as increase knowlede in the field of land cultivation and livestock. The goal is to increase innovation and support with research, public outreach and education for future generations.
Our tasks are interdiciplinary where biological, economical and technological as well as societal aspects are related to agricultural production and its impacts on the environment and the society as a whole.
Research within the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences relate to innovation and development of sustainability and food secutity.

Study Lines
Within the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences we offer these study lines
Vocational Training
Undergraduate BSc
Graduate and Post Graduate Studies

Research Projects Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
The Faculty

Dean: Björn Þorsteinsson
Anna Guðrún Þórðardóttir PhD student
Birna Kristín Baldursdóttir Assistant Professor
Björn Þorsteinsson Professor
Christina Maria Stadler Assistant Professor
Daníel Ólafsson Teacher Vocational Training
Egill Gautason Assistant Professor
Eyjólfur Kristinn Örnólfsson Adjunct Lecturer
Friederike Dima Danneil Research specialist
Gunnhildur Gísladóttir Research assistant
Harpa Ósk Jóhannesdóttir PhD Student
Haukur Þórðarson Teacher Vocational Training
Heiðrún Sigurðardóttir PhD Student
Helga Rún Jóhannsdóttir Research assistant
Helgi Eyleifur Þorvaldsson Adjunct Lecturer
Hrannar Smári Hilmarsson Head of agronomy trials
Jóhanna Gísladóttir Assistant Professor
Jóhannes Kristjánsson Teacher Vocational Training
Jóhannes Sveinbjörnsson Associate Professor
Jón Hallsteinn Hallsson Professor
Jón Hjalti Eiríksson Assistant Professor
Jónína Svavarsdóttir Head of Agronomy Centre
Karen Björg Gestsdóttir Teacher Vocational Training
Maartje Tanneke Nel Oostdijk Postdoctoral Researcher
Ólafur Haukur Magnússon Adjunct Lecturer
Ólöf Ósk Guðmundsdóttir Adjunct Lecturer
Rúna Þrastardóttir PhD Student
Sigurborg Hanna Sigurðardóttir Teacher Vocational Training
Snorri Þorsteinsson Teacher Vocational Training
Sunna Skeggjadóttir Research assistant
Þóroddur Sveinsson Professor