Credit System and Grades
Credit System and Grades

Full-time studies for one academic year at the Agricultural University of Iceland count as 60 credits, 30 credits each semester. AUI credits are equal to ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
Vocational Training in Agriculture is on the upper secondary study level and gives Fein (framhaldsskólaeiningar) credits. Full-time studies for one academic year is 60 Fein credits, 30 Fein credits each semester.
All further information at the Academic Office
Tel. (+354) 433-5000 or via email
Vocational Training in Agriculture is on the upper secondary study level and gives Fein (framhaldsskólaeiningar) credits. Full-time studies for one academic year is 60 Fein credits, 30 Fein credits each semester.
Grades are awarded in whole numbers, or whole and half numbers, from 0-10. The main grade is the weighted average of all final grades and it is calculated to two decimal points.
- Grades on the scale of 9.00 to 10.00 are First Class with Distinction
- 7.25-8.99 are First Class
- 6.00-7.24 are Second Class
- 5.00-5.99 are Third Class.
All further information at the Academic Office
Tel. (+354) 433-5000 or via email