Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture & Planning


The Landscape Architecture programme deals with the interaction of planning, Icelandic nature, and social situations by studying land use and contouring, soil science, botany, ecology, environmental impact assessment and freehand drawing as well as cartography, planning science and computerised design as well as courses in human geography, economics, landscape analysis drawing and planning.

Further subjects include cultural landscapes, recreational areas and their design, and nature conservation areas. The programme has the objective of providing a reliable basis for M.Sc. studies in landscape architecture (two years) or other planning subjects.

Programme director Helena Guttormsdóttir

The Programme


Language(s) of instruction/examination 
Icelandic, only occasionally in English or Scandinavian languages. Most textbooks are in English or Scandinavian languages. 

Level of qualification 
Three years at first cycle (level 2) of higher education according to National Qualification Framework for Higher Education in Iceland. 

Official length of programme 
Full time study for three academic years. 

Admission requirements 
Icelandic matriculation examination (studentsprof: school leaving examination after four years of secondary school) or another secondary examination which the University board regards as equivalent. 

Mode of study 
Full time studies - 180 ECTS 



Programme Requirements in Landscape Architecture


180 ECTS credits have to be completed for the qualification, 60 ECTS credits per year. Students have to complete all the first and second year credits before they commence on their third year. Obligatory courses are 154 ECTS credits, and optional courses are equivalent to 16 ECTS credits. Students complete their studies with a research project of 10 ECTS credits. The students present the results of their research project in a written thesis and an oral examination. 


Knowledge in the field of sustainable use of resources, environment, planning and food production.


Hvanneyri - 311 Borgarbyggð
Phone 433-5000
Kt. 411204-3590
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